In 2024, New Horizons Community Theatre is proud to present our 20th production.  We couldn't find one play big enough for this event... so we did THREE!


Opening night:  May 10th - 7PM

Matinee: May 11th - 1PM

Closing performance: May 11th - 7PM

For more information, check out Upcoming Key Dates!

Get Tickets for the show using PayPal (Use drop-down to choose Regular, Student/Senior or Concession Credit):

Name for ticket/credit



Please note - we are currently in the process of rebuilding our website. 


If you are looking for recent  information or would like to contact us, please visit our facebook page:


Who Are We?

We are a non-profit group of ambitious theatre enthusiasts in the Kennebecasis Valley, working with amazingly talented youths, grades 5 through 9.


NHCT was founded in February 2011.  April 2024 is our 19th production.

We will be welcoming new participants in September 2024!   


Where Are We? 

We currently rehearse and perform at Chris Saunders Memorial Elementary School in Quispamsis, New Brunswick.